The softball flying over the fielders

The softball flying over the fielders

Wednesday 28 December 2011

My Other Blog

My other Blog is my blog on Greensborough Cricket Club.

Friday 25 November 2011

The joy of softball

Well, the season has finished for softball for Apollo. I have to take a moment to explain the joy I felt by putting on a helmet and glove. When I first put on a glove my position was second base. I wasn't so great at it so Mr. Petty (my awesome coach) put me in the infield. The ball then came to me and I through it to first base quickly and accurately. From then I knew I should play the game of softball. The next few times I was too excited and overshot first base but it was my first training session. Sadly last year we didn't make it through to district. So this year I had a different mind set. It was get past GKA. We did that quite well. During the early season I was scared that I lost a bit of my form. But then I proved myself wrong. I loved everything in the game. Meeting new friends, scoring winning runs and just playing Softball in general. I loved everything. I have to thank my 2010 and 2011 team that I have played with. They have always supported me and they were always great. But I have to thank Mr. Petty the most. He has taught me new techniques for 2 years and I will never forget that. So that is my last report. I will put up my other blogs so that you can read them.

Apollo A vs. Swan Hill

So Preston girls defeated Swan Hill. Now it's time for Apollo to face the Swans. Apolllo won the toss and chose to field. Swan Hill hit out in the first innings and score 5 runs in the innings. Apollo then stuck strong to the innings and scored 3 runs. Swan Hill were a great team in everything. They fielding though was world class. Swan Hill then scored 2 runs to make the score 7-3. Apollo then only managed 1 run in the innings. This took the score to 7-4 in Swan Hill's way. Swan Hill was then kept scoreless in the third innings. Apollo then managed only one run in the third innings again. Apollo did some great fielding in the fourth innings and kept Swan Hill scoreless. Apollo then came on to bat and sadly they were kept scoreless. The final score was 7-5 in Swan Hill's favour. Apollo did really well to make it to conference. They were then given a reward after the game. So Apollo's campaign was over. Apollo also claimed that the umpire was unfair to them. I thought that the umpire made some good calls and some really bad calls. So she was alright.

Monday 21 November 2011

Preston vs. Swan Hill

Apollo had another team on the bus to Strathdale Park. That team was Preston. The Preston girls team played Swan Hill. Preston never looked like losing and won by a satisfactory margin. The next game is Apollo A vs. Swan Hill.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Apollo A vs. Swan Hill Pre Game

Apollo A will face Swan Hill next Monday (21/11/11) to decide who is going to be the best 3 teams in the whole of Victoria. Apollo are confident that they can win against their opponents. They will be playing Bendigo. But will the bus tire the Apollo boys out. You will just have to wait and see. Also Apollo won't be on the bus alone. They will be with the girl winners of Regionals, Preston.

Apollo A girls

Apollo A girls went with the Apollo A boys last Monday (13/11/11). Apollo A girls first game was against Oak Park. Apollo smashed Oak Park with a 15-2 win. There next game was against Epping. this game ended up to be a draw. The final score was 9-9. Apollo's next game was against Preston. This time Apollo's luck ran out. Preston knocked out Apollo from the Regional finals. Preston is going to play in state next week (21/11/11). They are going to share a bus with the Apollo boys who made it into conference on Monday.

Monday 14 November 2011

Apollo A vs. Sunbury West

Apollo know if they win this game they will be through to Conference. They faced Sunbury West. This time a coin was tossed and Apollo won the toss. They chose to field again. Apollo fielded brilliantly and kept Sunbury scoreless. Sunbury did well themselves when Apollo came out to bat, reducing Apollo to only 1 run. Apollo also dug deep in the second and final innings and kept Sunbury scoreless. Apollo then sealed the victory with a 7 run innings. The final score was 8 Apollo, Sunbury 0. This meant that Apollo were through to Conference.