The softball flying over the fielders

The softball flying over the fielders

Friday 25 November 2011

The joy of softball

Well, the season has finished for softball for Apollo. I have to take a moment to explain the joy I felt by putting on a helmet and glove. When I first put on a glove my position was second base. I wasn't so great at it so Mr. Petty (my awesome coach) put me in the infield. The ball then came to me and I through it to first base quickly and accurately. From then I knew I should play the game of softball. The next few times I was too excited and overshot first base but it was my first training session. Sadly last year we didn't make it through to district. So this year I had a different mind set. It was get past GKA. We did that quite well. During the early season I was scared that I lost a bit of my form. But then I proved myself wrong. I loved everything in the game. Meeting new friends, scoring winning runs and just playing Softball in general. I loved everything. I have to thank my 2010 and 2011 team that I have played with. They have always supported me and they were always great. But I have to thank Mr. Petty the most. He has taught me new techniques for 2 years and I will never forget that. So that is my last report. I will put up my other blogs so that you can read them.

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